running away

I have never been a runner. I never thought that waking up hours earlier than I needed to be awake for my day to go outside and and push myself to a heavy sweat would actually improve my day. But I was completely wrong.One lovely spring day sitting outside the Alpha Sigma Tau house at Eastern Illinois University my phone rang with a text that would change my life. Or at least my summer. My friend Kailey suggested we run the 5K race in my town. I thought there is no way I will make it to 3 miles but I might as well try it will get me back working out of it does nothing else.

So the first week back I woke up hours before my peers and Kailey and I took to the streets. We barely made it a mile ad half but something clicked in my brain that day and made me want to try harder.

So once we mastered that little distance we added up till 2. The first trial of 2 miles was torture. There was no way I was going to be able to run it ever again and there was no way 3 was ever going to happen.

Or so I thought when that day was over but we just kept adding distance until today when we surpassed even our craziest expectations and ran 4 miles. Adding an entire mile in one day.

This summer has been completely changed and each day we successfully run mile after mile my confidence is boosted and I feel like I can take on the world. Now I can say that running can be for everyone, even those who have never tried it, and getting up and moving really does make your day better.

After the 5K saturday we are aiming at 5 miles and working our way all the way to 8 before I go back to school. Maybe I will even stay with it at school.

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